Doubling down on a commitment to access

“North Carolinians have a deep faith in the power of higher education to change lives, reflected in our history as the nation’s first public university.” -Chancellor Carol L. Folt

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill long has been a national leader in making a college degree possible for deserving students regardless of whether they can pay the full cost of their education. Carolina again is showing that commitment by helping launch a new alliance to educate more lower- and moderate-income students at America’s top schools.

The American Talent Initiative, supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies, brings together 30 founding members committed to attracting, enrolling and graduating 50,000 additional high-achieving, lower-income high school students at the 270 colleges and universities with the highest graduation rates by 2025. Joining Carolina are other leading public flagships, private universities and liberal arts colleges.

Read the complete Carolina Story…

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