Leading by Example

Part of the College of Arts & Sciences, the Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH) is leading by example to prioritize inclusion, diversity, equity and historical accuracy within the Carolina community.

Specifically, IAH has committed to spending $500,000 over the next three years on faculty research, publication, support, education and outreach on race, reckoning, memory and opportunity at Carolina. This commitment will add to the Institute’s Faculty Fellowship Program, which offers faculty the opportunity to pursue groundbreaking projects in their fields and works to support, promote and deploy the arts and humanities.

Embodying IAH’s commitment, four IAH faculty fellows, Rebecka Rutdledge Fisher, Jacqueline Lawton, Ron Williams and Priscilla Layne, have put the African American and African diasporic experience at the center of their research. In doing so, the professors will greatly expand the fields of study represented by their research and significantly increase their impact on the Carolina community and beyond.

Read the complete Carolina Story…

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