On the bench with Dean Smith

“One typically goes to college to learn history, literature, business, science, but I learned so much more within the confines of that maple hardwood floor about character, preparation, integrity, effort, teamwork,” said Adam Fleishman ’87 ’91 (M.B.A.), a basketball team manager under Coach Dean Smith from 1985-87. “And those are truly the lifelong skills that I have been able to apply to my life, family and career.”

“Coach Smith meant the world to me and has meant a lot to my success,” he said. “To be able to give to those who have the ability, but don’t have the opportunity, and to do so under the banner of Dean Smith … I couldn’t be more honored and thrilled to support [The Dean E. Smith Opening Doors Fund].”

The Dean E. Smith Opening Doors Fund supports graduate students at the UNC School of Education and the UNC School of School of Social Work, and undergraduates with need through the UNC Office of Scholarships and Student Aid.

Read the complete Carolina Story

This is story number 66 in the Carolina Stories 225th Anniversary Edition magazine.

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