A Tribute to Them

When Karen Shelton came to Carolina in 1981, the field hockey team had only three scholarships to recruit athletes, and practiced on the grass field below Hinton James Residence Hall.  

Today, the team has 12 scholarships and practice in a brand new, state-of-the-art stadium, the Karen Shelton Stadium.   

“I still can’t believe that my name is on it. I can’t bring myself to call it the Karen Shelton Stadium so I’ve stuck to calling it ‘the stadium’ or ‘KSS,’” Shelton says. “It’s the only athletic playing facility solely named for a woman on our campus. That’s a powerful statement.”

In the stadium’s debut year, the field hockey team played an undefeated season, eventually culminating in the team’s 21st ACC championship and seventh national championship.

On paper, Shelton’s job description is producing the best athletes possible, but she’ll tell youit’s training strong, powerful, beautiful women.

“I’ve had the privilege to coach hundreds of young women. I want to empower them, and I want them to know that I’m their biggest advocate. My name is on the stadium, but it’s really a tribute to them.”

Read the complete Carolina Story…

The Karen Shelton Stadium was made possible by a gift from Ken and Cheryl Williams  — field hockey supporters and friends for more than 20 years, and loyal Carolina supporters whose mark is all over the campus in many important ways.

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