Amplifying Asian-American Stories

Nash Consing ’21 was one of those kids who seemed to always have a video camera in his hand, looking for any untold story to film. As a middle-schooler, he would write scripts or music videos, and then recruit his older sisters or friends to be the on-camera talent. A math teacher still shows her students a video that Consing made about the number pi.

This was more than a childhood phase. Consing keeps a sixth-grade class scrapbook where he wrote that he wanted to be a filmmaker when he grew up. He also had a sense that he wanted to center Asian-Americans and Asians in the stories he shared.

Consing, who is graduating from UNC-Chapel Hill this May as a journalism and media major with a focus in visual communications, is now on the verge of realizing that dream. He is in the final stages of creating a documentary film that turns the camera on his hometown of Hickory to share the story of a small Asian-American community there.

“I really want my work to help empower and amplify different communities that need more representation,” Consing said. “That’s the most fulfilling work that I’ve done thus far, and I know I’m just beginning. I would really love to expand on that in my career.”

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