Bronze stars, white coat

“I’ve performed a lot of difficult trauma care in my life and prepared for a lot of challenging situations. Nothing prepared me for this. It scared the life out of me. Seeing my son [in the NICU struggling to breathe] was the moment I decided to change my career.”

As a student in the UNC School of Medicine’s Physician Assistant Program, two-time Bronze Star Award recipient Curtis Carr is building on the medical skills he acquired as a Green Beret medic serving in Afghanistan.

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The UNC School of Medicine’s Physician Assistant Studies (PA) program will benefit from a $1.2 million investment from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina as part of a statewide initiative to support primary care. The program, housed in the Department of Allied Health Sciences, recruits non-traditional students with special attention to North Carolina residents and veterans. Designed in collaboration with Army officials at Fort Bragg, the program builds on former troops’ medical experience to become skilled medical practitioners.

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