Building Something Great

CEO of Liquidia Technologies Neal Fowler ’84 (B.S. Pharm.), ’88 (M.B.A.) recently rang the closing bell to mark his company’s initial public offering. For him, ringing this bell was more than just a celebration; it was a culmination of a 30-year career in the pharmaceutical industry rooted in experiences at Carolina.

When Fowler set off to Carolina, he knew a career in the life sciences was ahead, but he wasn’t sure which field.

“I knew if I decided to attend dental school or medical school, I would need to know everything about medicine and drugs,” he said. “Why not go ahead and get the basis of that understanding as an undergraduate at the pharmacy school? I never looked back.”

The Eshelman Institute for Innovation is made possible by a $100 million gift from Fred Eshelman to accelerate the creation and development of ideas leading to discoveries and transformative changes in education, research and health care. To learn more about the EII’s impact, visit

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