Carolina’s 2018 Gates Cambridge Scholar

At Carolina, William McInerney ’11, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and Honors Carolina, researched arts and peace education, and discovered the power of poetry in the classroom. After graduating with a degree in peace, war and defense, he worked as a poet and educator, performing and teaching worldwide; as a journalist and producer with WUNC-FM, focusing on peace and conflict stories; and as executive director of a spoken word poetry and peace education nonprofit in Chapel Hill called Sacrificial Poets. He returned to Carolina as an employee to develop and help facilitate the UNC Men’s Project, a men’s violence prevention program for undergraduate and graduate students.

In recognition of his work, he was awarded a Rotary Peace Fellowship to study conflict resolution from the University of Bradford in England, earning a master’s degree in 2018. Now, he’ll pursue a Ph.D. in education at Queens’ College of Cambridge as a Gates Cambridge Scholar.

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This is story number 136 in the Carolina Stories 225th Anniversary Edition magazine.

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