Finding Your Escape Hatch


“Terrible news, worldwide chaos and challenging times have been around forever, and somehow ― every single time ― we live through it,” said Executive Director of the Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship Bernard Bell, BA `82, MBA `92, to his students in an email a few weeks ago.

“To get through these next few months… you need to find your escape hatch,” said Bell.

An escape hatch is something that calms you and helps you maintain your mental health, a topic that he feels needs to be elevated during this international crisis. Bell’s escape hatch is his faith, but he believes that it doesn’t matter what yours is, as long as you find it and use it to guide you like a North Star during challenging times. 

“If you don’t have [an escape hatch], you need to start looking for one. Because this will not be your last challenging moment in your life, and you may as well go ahead and get prepared.”

Read the complete Carolina Story…

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