Forging Her Path

Grace Yook poses in front of Kenan-Flagler Business School

Grace Yook (MBA/PharmD ’21) is a trailblazer. In 2021, she was the first Asian woman and the first woman of color to graduate from UNC Kenan-Flagler’s dual degree program with the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, and she’s used her experience on the combined MBA/PharmD to forge her own career path.

It is a path that she knew from early in her college journey would end with a position in health care. Yook majored in biological sciences and chemistry at Wake Forest University before arriving in Chapel Hill, and she knew she wanted to pursue a rotational program with a pharmaceutical company post-graduation.

The combination of an MBA with a PharmD degree seemed like the best way to get there. Having grown up in North Carolina, it was a “no-brainer” to study at UNC where the pharmacy and business schools are ranked among the best in the U.S.

She earned a UNC Kenan-Flagler Merit Fellowship, a Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Fellowship and a Rankin Memorial Fellowship, among other honors.

“I think the program helped me realize that you shouldn’t necessarily confine yourself to one path,” Yook said. “I think being curious and trying out different things will enhance your craft.”

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