Lofty Goals

“I was excited to take on this lofty goal of building a lab, knowing I had the support of some really wonderful people. That’s what distinguishes our department — having faculty with a collective goal, a great department instead of individual faculty who simply want great research programs in their own labs.”

Jillian Dempsey, an assistant professor in the chemistry department, came to Carolina in 2012 to establish a vibrant research program in physical inorganic chemistry. Dempsey and her lab study next-generation catalysts for artificial photosynthesis with an eye toward developing renewable, high-energy fuels from inexpensive, abundant reactants.

She also leads a new Clare Boothe Luce Program that will support fellowships for women in chemistry.

Read the complete Carolina Story from the UNC College of Arts & Sciences…

This is story number 206 in the Carolina Stories 225th Anniversary Edition magazine.

She has received a Packard Fellowship, an NSF CAREER Award and a Sloan Fellowship.

The Department of Chemistry in the UNC College of Arts & Sciences celebrates its 200th anniversary in 2018.

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