Oh the humanities!

“Only collectively can we change the broader perception on the relevance of our disciplines to society. The understanding of current events and the possibility to meaningfully participate in the work toward a different future necessarily demands the humanities’ strong presence.”

Paolo Bocci, an anthropology Ph.D. candidate whose research seeks to give a voice to farmers in the Galapagos Islands, believes in the transformative power of the humanities. Carolina does, too. For decades at UNC-Chapel Hill, graduate education and disciplinary work in the humanities, arts and social sciences have strived and succeeded in bettering the world.

Thanks to UNC’s Maynard Adams Fellowship for the Public Humanities, graduate students, including Bocci, are exploring in-depth the relevance of the humanities to society, drawing connections between the academy and key issues in contemporary public life.

Read the complete Carolina Story from the College of Arts and Sciences…

The Maynard Adams Fellowship for the Public Humanities honors distinguished philosopher Maynard Adams (1919-2003), a long-time professor at UNC, a prominent advocate for the value of the humanities in public education and in public cultures, and a campus leader who established the Program in the Humanities in 1979. The new Adams Fellowships are made possible by a generous gift from the Taylor Charitable Trust.

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