Playing Together

Published on March 23, 2018

For anyone in attendance of a UNC Bands concert, they’re likely to not only see Carolina students, but local high schoolers, too. Orange County High School, Northwood High School and West Forsyth High School — all bands led by Carolina alumni —are already collaborating with UNC Bands. Marching Tar Heels Honor Band Day also brings high school band students to campus to see how members of the Pride of the ACC spend their Saturdays.

And it all started when Arris Golden, assistant director or University Bands and conductor of the UNC Symphony Band, and the Department of Music were brainstorming new ways to recruit band members and to keep up with their alumni.

“For our alums to actually come back and perform as conductors in the space where they used to sit and play as players is a neat all-around concept and I think we’ll see dividends from that within the overall program,” Golden said.

Read the complete Carolina Story from UNC Department of Music…

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