Simulated Experience for Real Application

Health care is a team undertaking and the UNC School of Nursing is a national leader in interprofessional education, or team teaching. Our Education-Innovation-Simulation Learning Environment (EISLE) is used by all of UNC’s health affairs schools to provide students the experience of working together in a realistic, hands-on clinical setting.

Our students practice their skills on mannequins, gaining invaluable experience prior to treating real patients. Team-based training also enables students to discuss the simulation after the fact and learn how to improve their communication and teamwork. By the time students find themselves in a true clinical setting, they have the experience and confidence to be an effective team member and caregiver to their patient.

Once a cutting-edge facility at the forefront of nursing education, EISLE today stands in need of updating. Simulation tools have advanced greatly over the last decade that our mannequins have been in service. We look to private donors to help us update and expand EISLE’s teaching tools and capabilities to ensure Carolina Nursing students remain at the forefront of the field.

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