Supporting future pediatric dentist residents

Pediatric dentist working on a child
Gail Rohlfing, DDS, a UNC Adams School of Dentistry alumna recently realized she and her husband, Paul, had the perfect gift for the school — a fellowship in pediatric dentistry.

“I grew up in a philanthropic family, and I’ve seen my parents give back,” she said “That’s how I was raised. We’ve shown our children that it’s important and told them that they should consider giving back on the day of giving to their schools. For me, it’s looking at what my education at UNC gave me, and I wouldn’t be where I am without my residency, the connections and relationships from UNC.”

The Gail and Paul Rohlfing Fellowship in Pediatric Dentistry will support pediatric dentistry residents at the Adams School. The fellowship will help fund education for dentists like Gail, something she’s grateful for.

“I’ve had a wonderful career as a pediatric dentist,” Gail said. “It’s a wonderful livelihood. I’ve built a practice that was based on strong leadership and having work life balance.”

Read the complete Carolina Story here…

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