The Covenant Experience

Anwar poses on table for a Coulture magazine photoshoot

Carolina Covenant Scholar Anwar Boutayba ’23 was born in Morocco and grew up in Casablanca, its largest city. His Moroccan family is indigenous to the kingdom at the northwestern corner of Africa.

When he was seven years old, Boutayba’s mother met a Moroccan expat from North Carolina in an elevator. When they got married, the young boy suddenly found himself in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Boutayba attended Raleigh Charter High School and applied to a number of colleges, including UNC-Chapel Hill. When he found out that he qualified to be a Covenant Scholar, he was floored.

What that meant to him, and to his family, moved him to act.

“The Carolina Covenant program changed my life,” he said. “I literally committed to UNC the second I got home.”

Since arriving on campus in 2019, Boutayba has flourished. That is thanks in part to mentors past, present and future. Much credit also goes to his ability to take on a mind-boggling amount of interest and internships.

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