Track star jumps at new opportunity

“I’ve reaped the benefits of a lot of hard work over the past five years, being a student-athlete here. I’m excited to explore the other side of higher education. Being able to learn from the exceptional leadership staff here and be mentored by them is a great opportunity.”

Former Carolina track and field star Emily Godwin ’18 is Carolina’s first student-athlete to become a Chancellor’s Fellow. The Chancellor’s Fellowship, launched by Chancellor Carol Folt in 2014, provides an opportunity for graduating Carolina seniors to explore and understand the inner workings of a higher education institution. Fellows tackle projects across the University, developing skills in project management, critical thinking and research.

Godwin graduated from UNC with honors on May 13, 2018, with a degree in business administration. In addition to all-conference honors in both indoor and outdoor competition, Godwin was an All-ACC Academic selection and a recipient of the ACC Weaver-James-Corrigan Postgraduate Scholarship for graduate work.

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