Who Would Have Guessed

“Who would have guessed that a class of first graders could understand or be responsive to things that philosophers talk about? The time UNC philosophy outreach director [Steven Swartzer] and his volunteers spent with our class laid bare an amazing capacity that even 6 year olds have, to grasp the complexity of meanings. They guided our students to ponder and explain how different perspectives lead to different opinions and feelings. The children perceived that these differences deserve careful and caring examination – that there may be many ways to resolve a difference, perceive a scenario or express feelings of love and gratitude.”

– Rosemary L. Nye, Durham Academy first-grade teacher

The UNC Department of Philosophy offers many outreach programs — one of which is a program for elementary school students. Teaching assistant professor and outreach director Steven Swartzer and philosophy graduate students regularly visit Durham Academy to facilitate dialogue with students such as the ones in Rosemary Nye’s class.

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