Reckoning with Carolina History

Images representing race issues at Carolina.

As the nation’s first public university, much of the history of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill aligns with the history of the United States — which is embedded with trauma and controversy.

A little over a year ago, Chancellor Keven M. Guskiewicz gave the University Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward its charge to reckon with Carolina’s past, especially regarding race. Supported by the Build Our Community Together Fund, the commission is working to listen to the needs of the community and both address and teach the University’s history.

“Our charge from the chancellor is to research and teach UNC’s racial history and to provide recommendations as to how we as a community can best reckon with the past,” said commission co-chair James Leloudis. “Our work is simultaneously backward- and forward-looking.”

Here are some highlights from the commission’s first year…

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