She ‘loved being outside’

Susan Porucznik Cole was passionate about nature and the outdoors. After falling in love with UNC, she enrolled in the University’s master’s program in recreation and leisure studies. Her research included studying Wilderness Adventures for First-Year Students (WAFFYS), a Carolina Recreation program in the College of Arts & Sciences that gives students an empowering experience to help them transition to college.

Susan’s research tested the theories of a wilderness adventure program, and its three themes—peer development, self-confidence and decision-making skills—are now the leading goals of every WAFFYS backpacking expedition.

Susan was a challenge course coordinator at the Carolina Adventures Outdoor Education Center. After her tragic death in 2003, friends and family honored her legacy by creating the Susan Porucznik Cole Fund for Student Programs. It supports four-to-five students in each WAFFYS experience.

Read the complete Carolina Story from the UNC College of Arts & Sciences…

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