The Magic of 3D

Kenny Jones holding an open pop up book of Alice In Wonderland showing an arch of flying cards and a defensive Alice

Fueling kids’ creativity is one of the things that UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Information and Library Science hopes to achieve with its vast collection of pop-up books. In fact, the 1,800-plus selection of titles has attracted scholars who are interested in finding new ways for children to learn and engage people who are simply interested in the concept of moveable books.

A significant portion of the collection was donated by Sterling Hennis, a former professor at the School of Education, and his wife, who in total donated more than 1,300 pop-up books to the University Libraries. Now the selection contains books ranging from obscure subjects to modern popular culture.
The book collection includes titles such as, “The Wizard of Oz,” “Under the Ocean,” “The Aquarium,” and many more.

“If there’s a subject and a pop-up book on it, we probably have it,” said Kenny Jones, library assistant.

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