A Legacy of Outstanding Ability

Patrick Clinch

Patrick Clinch ’21 is being awarded a prestigious scholarship in recognition of his outstanding abilities and his unique and timely research.

The Marshall Scholarship funds graduate studies in any field at up to two institutions in the United Kingdom and covers university fees, cost of living expenses, annual book grants, thesis grant, research and daily travel grants and fares to and from the United States.

“Patrick is an outstanding student whose research around the ways comedy and especially political satire can benefit and support democratic values is particularly relevant in our world today,” Chancellor Kevin M. Guskiewicz said. “The Marshall Scholarship is one of the highest honors bestowed upon our students, and it is a testament to Patrick’s creativity, hard work and enthusiasm at Carolina. I congratulate him on this opportunity to pursue his dreams at Oxford.”

Clinch will be Carolina’s 21st Marshall Scholar, joining a legacy of outstanding ability.

Read the complete Carolina Story to learn more about Clinch and his interesting research…

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