A Positive Influence

Arielle Abrams, a third-year Doctor of Audiology student in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences, hopes her experience with hearing loss will positively influence the field of audiology.

An audiologist diagnosed Abrams with hearing loss when she was only one-and-a-half years old.

“I grew up going to audiologists all the time,” Abrams said. “I have an appreciation for the type of work they got to do.”

She is a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disorders (LEND) trainee, an opportunity that has provided her hands-on collaborations with children and their families.

“I want to teach my patients and their parents how to advocate for their kids,” Abrams said. “I think it can just help sometimes for them to see how successful their kid can be can be if they get the right intervention, the right therapies if they’re really advocating for their child.”

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