‘A richer and fuller life’

“Pharmacy practice was only a small piece of the growth I experienced. This journey removed my comfort zone and challenged me to adapt. It introduced a new culture, way of thinking and friends that will last a lifetime. I developed tools to live a richer and fuller life, as well as expand my potential as a health-care professional.”

Fourth-year doctor of pharmacy student Adam Bernstein spent a month in Malawi, thanks to a 2015 Global Pharmacy Scholarship funded by UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy professor Dhiren Thakker and his wife Kailas.

Read the complete Carolina Story…

The Eshelman Institute for Innovation is made possible by a $100 million gift from Fred Eshelman to accelerate the creation and development of ideas leading to discoveries and transformative changes in education, research and health care. To learn more about the EII’s impact, visit unceii.org/impact.

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