Addressing the Nursing Shortage

A nursing student leans over a dummy in a simulated training environment

Joanne and William E. Conway Jr., prominent Washington, D.C.-area philanthropists and supporters of nursing education, recently pledged $5 million to support nursing students and develop nurse educators at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill through their foundation, the Bedford Falls Foundation.

The historic gift is the largest in school history to support students, and more than doubles the amount of annual scholarship funding available for the school’s baccalaureate program.

“I am inspired by the Conways’ thoughtful and innovative approach to addressing one of the nation’s significant health care challenges through their support of nursing education,” said Kevin M. Guskiewicz, chancellor at UNC-Chapel Hill. “Nurses are vital to a compassionate health care system — we cannot do it without them — and Carolina feels keenly its responsibility to help meet the need for more nurses in our state. We are grateful for the Conways’ support and partnership in that effort.”

Read the complete Carolina Story

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