Boosting Student Internet Access

As students transition to virtual, remote learning for the fall 2020 semester, access to reliable and stable internet is imperative to success.

“Access to broadband internet is a national problem, but within our state specifically there are people from certain regions and socioeconomic means who have limited internet and cellular options,” said J. Michael Barker, the University’s vice chancellor for information technology and chief information officer. “While the University cannot solve the systematic problems of the digital divide, we can supply students with funds to purchase the best service that is available to them.”

Carolina is doing just that. This semester, up to 2,500 students will receive a supplement to help with internet costs. After students initiated the conversation, Carolina faculty worked to make these supplements possible.

“I am thankful for … the willingness of the Office of Information Technology Services and the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid to work with us to develop this program so quickly,” said Lamar Richards, a sophomore and chair of the Commission on Campus Equality & Student Equity. “This program is the first step in ensuring that Carolina students, my peers, are afforded equitable resources to aid in their pursuit of academic and professional successes during the fall 2020 semester.”

Read the complete Carolina Story…

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