Changing the Way the World Works on Water

Aaron Salzberg

Long-established leader in water policy Aaron Salzberg, P.h.D., has been named the Don and Jennifer Holzworth Distinguished Professor and director of The Water Institute at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. 

As the Department of State’s first special coordinator of water and chief of the Water Division within the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Salzberg led the development of United States foreign policy on water. As director of The Water Institute at UNC, Salzberg aims to change the way the world works on water through scientific discovery, technical innovation and policy leadership. 

“UNC has a long history of producing world leaders in water, and I’m extremely honored to have the opportunity to contribute and to be part of the UNC and broader Research Triangle community.” 

Read the complete Carolina story from UNC Gillings…


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