First Jonathan M. Hess Term Professor Named

Candace Epps-Robertson was named the very first Jonathan M. Hess Term Professor.

Jonathan M. Hess was a professor at UNC from 1993 until his death in 2018 and was chair of the department of Germanic and Slavic languages and literatures at UNC-Chapel Hill and co-chair of the Carolina-Duke Graduate Program in German Studies. The professorship is given to the pre-tenure assistant professor in the fine arts and humanities who most fully honors the commitments that animated Hess’s professional life: producing outstanding scholarship, demonstrating excellence in teaching, and supporting the development of gender equality, diversity and inclusiveness within the fine arts and humanities professions.

Epps-Robertson is the associate director of the writing program and director of writing in the disciplines. Her work investigates the ways in which communities teach, practice and understand what it means to be a citizen, “from a literacy program created during the American civil rights movement to what fandom experiences can teach us about designing pedagogies that promote an awareness of global citizenship practices.”

She is currently working on a piece that “examines the ways in which non-school spaces can be places where people teach, learn and think about what it means to be a global citizen” by examining BTS, a Korean band, and their fandom, ARMY, which she recently discussed on NPR’s 1A podcast


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