Innovating On Innovation

“Science is about being bold and taking risks,” said Tim Willson, Ph.D., who runs the Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) hub at Carolina.

For the SGC being bold means launching the Extreme Open Science Initiative, which encourages SGC scientists in labs around the world to publish their notes online.

“Much of the research we have in the SGC lab is about picking bold, novel approaches to solving scientific problems. To innovate on innovation, as it were.  And one of these innovations is our open lab notebook experiment.”

“At the end of the day, you want to collaborate with the best scientists in the world. If you can get this information out there, it makes that easier,” Willson said.

Read the complete Carolina Story from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy…

This is story number 88 in the Carolina Stories 225th Anniversary Edition magazine.

The Eshelman Institute for Innovation is made possible by a $100 million gift from Fred Eshelman to accelerate the creation and development of ideas leading to discoveries and transformative changes in education, research and health care. To learn more about the EII’s impact, visit

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