Leaving Her Heelprint

Selina Shi stands in front of Asian American Center

During her first few weeks at Carolina, Selina Shi was struck by the stark difference between Asian American representation in Chapel Hill and her hometown of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She didn’t feel entirely part of the student body she had just joined.

Now a junior studying computer science and business, Shi has spent her time at Carolina working to ensure future generations of Asian American Tar Heels don’t experience that same feeling.

Her mission ultimately led her to join the Asian American Center Campaign — a student group that worked to bring the UNC Asian American Center to life. On August 26, 2021, the center hosted a ribbon-cutting at its new location on Wilson Street near Granville Towers as part of a multi-day celebration.

The moment, Shi says, is surreal.

“I’ve been dreaming about this moment for two years,” she said. “Some students have been dreaming about this moment for three, four, five years. And then, some of our donors and Asian American alumni have been dreaming about this moment since the 1990s.”

As the Asian American Center Campaign director, Shi is dedicated to ensuring the center builds on last year’s momentum. She says that having the new physical space on campus where they can meet, socialize and hold events will help the student team take their impact to the next level.

Read the complete Carolina Story

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