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Stacy Wall on the set of Uber Eats commercial

Stacy Wall ’89 is an alumnus of UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media and one of the media industry’s most highly respected commercial directors.

Having taken a class from Hussman School professor John Sweeney as an undergraduate, Wall visited remotely with Sweeney’s class to share some of the ups and downs of life on the cutting edge of directing television commercials for some of the world’s biggest brands.

“I loved everything about [Sweeney’s] class,” said Wall. “I was a huge sports fan and a geek who followed a lot of commercials.”

Wall accredits connections with Carolina alumni to landing jobs soon after college that gave him the tools to set out on a path toward his now successful and lucrative career. A North Carolina native, Wall strives to give back to the Carolina community by sharing his experiences and resources with students who strive to follow in his footsteps.

Read the complete Carolina Story to learn more about alumnus Stacy Wall…

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