Muting Genetic Mutations

Chad Pecot in the lab

“Many, many people die of cancer, and although we’ve made a lot of progress in cancer research and treatment, there’s still just such a long way to go,” said Chad Pecot, cancer survivor and faculty founder of EnFuego Therapeutics. 

Pecot is especially interested in using RNA interface technology — which has the power to silence a gene — in finding a cure for cancer. Many drug companies have tried to further develop RNAi technology for cancer therapeutics, but have not had much success. Pecot strives to continue their explorations through his launch of EnFuego Therapeutics. 

Pecot was able to develop his startup journey through Carolina resources in innovation in entrepreneurship, including Kickstart Venture Services and the UNC Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC). Through these resources and generous grants from OTC and NC Biotechnology Center, Pecot is able to work toward his goal to beat cancer once and for all.

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