Space for Research

Published on November 1, 2022

Portrait of RodriguezThe David and Lucile Packard Foundation has announced that Carl Rodriguez, who will join UNC’s Department of Physics and Astronomy in January 2023, is one of 20 recipients of the 2022 Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering. The fellowship recognizes innovative early-career researchers and includes $875,000 to aid in each fellow’s research for five years.

The Packard Fellowships for Science and Engineering are designed to encourage innovative, blue-sky thinking by providing maximum flexibility and support to scientists and engineers early in their careers. This flexibility allows fellows to pursue trailblazing experimental research into critical issues.

“We are very proud of Carl for receiving this prestigious fellowship and very excited to have him joining us at UNC,” said Frank Tsui, professor and department chair of physics and astronomy. “Carl is an innovative researcher, a capable and caring adviser of postdocs and students at all levels and a charismatic communicator and teacher. His research and expertise in stellar dynamics, gravitational-wave physics and computational astrophysics will significantly strengthen our department.”

Read the complete Carolina Story

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