UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center is more than just an institution. It’s a mission — together, we can understand cancer in all its forms and translate that understanding into improved treatments and patient care; together, we can push scientific discovery and create new therapies; together, we can supply the world with its most important resource, hope.
UNC Lineberger is among a select group of cancer centers designated as comprehensive by the National Cancer Institute and the only public comprehensive cancer center serving North Carolina. We combine cross-campus collaboration with cutting-edge research to gain a deeper knowledge of cancer and then return that knowledge to all 100 counties through community education and prevention programs. North Carolinians benefit first and foremost from research that goes on to impact the globe.
From partnering with IBM Watson to develop hyper-customized treatment plans to fighting cancer through CAR T-cell immunotherapy, innovation is fundamental to our pursuit of the best options for our patients. For Amy Charney, we chased hope to the end of a marathon, as UNC Breast Center’s Lisa Carey, M.D., enrolled her in a trial of a novel drug that let her avoid chemotherapy and enabled Amy to run 26.2 miles while in treatment. This care isn’t just innovative, it’s personalized to give our patients the chance to live as normal a life as possible.
Our expertise spans from basic cancer research and drug discovery, to clinical research and population sciences, to outreach programs. We’ve established ourselves as a worldwide standard of cancer research and care. But whether in education, research, treatment or prevention, a single resolve drives every stride we take: a deep commitment to bettering humankind. Putting the good of humanity first and foremost, we’re fighting to eliminate cancer once and for all.
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