UNC Health rounds up PPE

To help COVID-19 frontline workers at UNC Health, Carolina’s faculty and staff have contributed personal protection equipment (PPE) and expertise in the form of 3D-printed shields designed by faculty and made by medical students.

PPE such as N95 masks, surgical masks and surgical masks with shields protect health care workers and patients from exposure to pathogens like the COVID-19 virus.

By April 2, UNC Health had collected more than one million items from the community and campus units, many from UNC Wellness Center drop-off locations.

“We are extremely grateful for the outpouring of donations to UNC Health from schools, businesses, community organizations and individuals. We’ve been working hard to secure personal protective equipment from various sources, and these donations have been very helpful,” said Christian Lawson, director of emergency services at UNC Health.

See how other Carolina faculty and students have helped contribute.

Read the complete Carolina Story…

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